Posts Tagged ‘food’


Posted: April 17, 2011 in Food, NUS
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After FYP and projects, it was time to go out and let loose. Swee Yee was saying that I’m very ‘keng’ that I can go for outing on a Saturday when I have exams on the coming Wednesday. It’s true that I will never do that when I was in Year One. :p But, now grow up already, you’ll learn to enjoy and live the day. Anyway, Wednesday’s exam is HR, not much to mug also I guess. And, influenced by my dear friends Swee Yee and Sijia also. =D

Sijia was the one who suggested that we go pubbing. We wanted to go for it after the Dinner and Dance event few weeks back. But, at that time we were all in the midst of deadlines so we all were not in the mood for it. So, this was about the right time. So, me, Sijia, Swee Yee and Zhi Qi went out from hall around 1.30pm for lunch at Clementi first (Jerome joined us for lunch too). Then, we headed to Clarke Quay. We first walked around the place looking for the best offers for the afternoon. In the end, we just settled for the Iguana, which Sijia has been a regular customer there recently. We ordered a blueberry margarita and a refillable cup of Coke. On the house, there were chips with some sort of special Mexican sauce.

Taking the first sip, I mostly felt that I was drinking fruit juice except for the bitter taste at the end. After awhile, I supposedly got a little red. And, I was also feeling a bit hot. But, it was okay. Quite bearable. Nothing extreme. I didn’t get dizzy anything and Swee Yee said I can drink cause I told her I drank almost 3 cups. She said for a beginner, to drink that much and not feel dizzy I can drink. Nor much after effects except that my hands and back are a bit red today. Probably due to the blood circulation from the alcohol? I’m not sure. Swee Yee asks me to try again next time. 😀

Got red? Don't think so

Anyway, during the pubbing session, we were just relaxing and playing this card game that Sijia brought called “Sanguosha”. It was pretty interesting and fun to play. After the session, we went to eat bak kut teh in Songfa restaurant opposite Central Mall. It’s very different from Klang’s. Klang’s is more herbal while this was more peppery, more like pig stomach soup. So, from that peppery point of view, I think it was quite good. 🙂

After being so full from the meal, we went for a long walk from Clarke Quay all the way up to Esplanade. We wanted to walk to Marina Bay but it was too far for some of us (the old people :p). So, we stopped at Esplanade, and managed to catch the light show from the Marina Bay hotel from over here before taking bus 10 back.

All in all, it was a great first drinking session. Good experience. Nice first bak kut teh in Singapore. Although it was totally different but it was nice. Great outing with the girls. Looking forward to a next. 🙂


Posted: July 24, 2010 in Daily Life
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I had a pretty long day today, constantly moving around. I guess it beats lazing around in front of the computer watching movies or dramas. My day started with some “morning exercise”, namely tidying up my room, dodging from a bee which somehow flew into my room and helping Yong Chean and Wei Ling shift their stuff. Great workout I had there. :p

Then, I was off to the library, something that I have put off for a long time, to borrow a book which will hopefully help me in my module next semester. After lunch, I went to Funan to complete yet another procrastinated purchase. I finally got earphones for my sis and a webcam for my house computer so that my family can chat with me via webcam. Hopefully that Sonicgear earphones and Microsoft webcam will prove its worth. :p

Today’s dinner was spent with Swee Yee, Lin Zhi and U-Fong. Initially, we expected to devour on the food variety in the Singapore Food Festival held at Clarke Quay. However, the food fest was cluttered with small portions of food and overpriced items. I would say that this event is really mainly targeted to tourists in Singapore and it’s not worth scheduling it in your to-do list. Even last year’s food fair at Expo was better, at least the price wasn’t ridiculously jack-ed up. Thus, in the end we ended up having our proper dinner at Kopitiam where I ate the Korean style glorified maggie mee. :p

Til the next post then. Adios!